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Jeanne McNamara

Search Friendly Videos Stat Sheet

• Title: Sales Manager
• Background: I was self-employed for 10 years, owning a U-Save Car and Truck Rental. I was also a business-to-business sales representative at JetPay, where I was also involved in business development and oversaw payroll. I was also an account executive at Yellow Book Hibu and Clipper Magazine.
• Projects I’m Working On: I’m out every day, banging on doors, meeting people, networking as well as cold calling. It’s an ongoing, everyday activity. I’m also working on hiring sales people as a hiring manager.

Information and Entertainment

• What I’m Reading: The E Myth by Michael E. Gerber. I also read Women’s World in the gym, which is on the top of the StairMaster and features recipes for chocolate cake, which I find ironic. I’m also reading The Turning of Anne Merrick by Christine Blevins.
• What I’m Watching: Fox News and Call the Midwife and One Cold Reign on Netflix.
• What I’m Listening To: Talk radio and B101.

Near and Dear

• Where I Live: Chalfont, Pennsylvania.
• My Favorite Place: My beach house in Ship Bottom, New Jersey.
• My Favorite Thing to Do: I get together with friends and family and entertain. I love to throw parties.

Extraordinary Jeanne

• Something Unique About Me: I am honest, warm and kind, and I see the good in everyone. My friend, Sonia Stewart, says this is how all my friends see me.

Business Hours
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Monday through Friday


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