About Us

Search Friendly Videos origin story. How did we get here?


Company History

Founded by David Porter in 2006, whose passion is to give our local small business owners the ability to compete against billion dollar companies. Search Friendly Videos started as a lead generation service, building video platforms primarily for contractors. Significant discoveries led the team to begin linking up video page platforms with YouTube channels. At that time, Search Friendly Videos discovered the power of video linking strength, and became a fully functioning video marketing research firm with the ultimate goal to study and understand how Google selects one video over another in organic search results. Today, Search Friendly Videos has engineered eight proven disciplines to drive high page placement in organic search results on the largest search engines such as Google, Google Video and YouTube, giving our local small business owners the ability to compete against billion dollar campanies.

What we offer

Backed with more than 10 years of video marketing research, and thousands of first-page organic search results, Search Friendly Videos now offers local businesses a cost-effective and proven strategy for driving video placement in online search.

We have 8 proven disciplines that have proven successful with each and every client. Contact us today to find out how a Search Friendly Video can work for your business.

Want to learn more?

Visit our Video Portfolio page to see examples of a Search Friendly Video.

Contact Us to set up a free consultation to learn how a Search Friendly Video can work for you.

"Putting your company at the right place, at the right time, with the right video message."

Business Hours
8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Monday through Friday


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